Online citizen engagement

... makes it possible to reach many citizens at once to consult and involve them in the planning and development of political agendas.

Online citizen meeting

If you want our help to hold a digital citizen meeting, we use Zoom as a meeting platform. Here we can both be gathered in plenary and distribute the citizens in group rooms where they can work. In addition, we usually integrate additional interactive tools such as MENTI (polls and input collection, which are immediately displayed as a word cloud or columns with brainstorm input) and MURAL (a creative and flexible bulletin board).


Price: DKK 20-40,000,-. depending on the agreed division of labor and efforts from the Danish Board of Technology (DBT).


Below is an example of the procedure for a digital citizen meeting.


Model program for online citizen meeting “Development plan for a danish project in the city Nørreøster”.

Time Minuttes Program
 18.00-19.00 60 Participants can login online and make sure the camera is working and the sound is good.
 19.00-19.15 15 Welcome to the online citizen meeting, by the Mayor from Nørreøster.
 19.15-19.30 15 Presentation of suggestion to the Development plan (visions), by the chef of ‘planning & environment’.
19.30-19.45 15 Q&A – ‘planning & environment’

Participants can make questions in the chat during the presentation. The Chairman or the presenter can select some questions to answer.

19.45-20.00 15 Presentation of traffic analyzes, that is used in the development plan, by an representative from COWI.
20.00-20.15 15 Q & A – COWI

Participants can make questions in the chat during the presentation. The Chairman or the presenter can select some questions to answer.

20.15-20.25 10 BREAK
20.25-20.55 30 Group Work about the Development plan

The participants Can provide input: What is good about the solution? Is there anything that dosent Work? This Work is documented in a Google document or a Muralboard.

20.55-21.10 15 Feedback from the Groups (c

Is possible to leave out if it is a very big meeting)

21.10-21.15 5 Thank you for today!

What about the further process with the development plan?

Online citizen meeting from A to Z

The Danish Board of Technology handles the technical host and support function and contributes with the planning of the program, we also like to contribute as a moderator or with as a professional. How much The DBT is involved is agreed in dialogue with the ones that ask us to facilitate.


1) First, a meeting is held between the customer and The DBT, where the purpose, scope, date and methods as well as the program sketch are clarified. Subsequently, a program is prepared, and there are relevant presenters (ordering, possibly with help from the DBT). If there are to be moderators for group work, they must be found (ordering). If there is any material that needs to be sent out in advance to the participants, an information material (orderer) is prepared. The citizens’ meeting is announced and promoted (ordering).

2) Another meeting is held between the client and The DBT, where the program is completed and work questions are made for group work. Up to the citizens’ meeting, presenters are briefed, and agreements are made about their presentations (ordering, possibly with help from The DBT). Tools for documentation of group work are prepared, eg Mural board or shared google document (DBT). The citizens’ meeting is tested the day before the meeting.

3) The citizens’ meeting is held – The DBT controls the technology. Others involved and the participants log on to the zoom link from their own computer.

4) A report is prepared with a summary from the citizens’ meeting (The DBT).


Digital processes

If you want our help to plan and run a longer citizen engagement process digitally, we combine different platforms and tools depending on the purpose. We will typically gather the process online in one place on a platform from which you can access various sub-processes in the form of meetings and workshops on Zoom as well as discussion forums, polls and other interactive tools. In other words, we develop the solution in collaboration, as there is no standard model.