Interactive processess
Interactivity occurs when the thing being debated mutually affects the debating parties. Without the interaction the affect would otherwise never have occurred. In the successful interactive process there will be shared knowledge and new knowledge will be created.
The successful interactive process is characterized by building bridges between very different professional competencies, sectors and political differences of opinion. In practice, this means that a broad group of people (actors, stakeholders, individuals) who generally have nothing directly to do with each other from the political field, the scientific field, from large and small companies, NGOs and other civil society organizations are involved in a process that ensures a real knowledge sharing. Our role in this process is to facilitate an equal dialogue, where everyone is heard and has an influence on the debate. Interactive processes are initiated when very different disciplines have to share knowledge and further develop this knowledge, most often for the use of decision-makers and others who need input at a nuanced and high professional level. The interactive process is particularly suitable for facilitating knowledge sharing between stakeholders who are far apart both professionally and attitudinally. We bring competing disciplines, angles and attitudes into a strong, equal and fruitful dialogue.
Set aside for interactive processes
Our (normative) starting point is to create a neutral platform for debate at a high professional level. Our many years of competence is that on the basis of an in-depth professional knowledge of the fields involved (politics, research, business, NGOs, civil society) we are able to contribute with a neutral knowledge-facilitating platform where knowledge, opinions about knowledge, competing knowledge paradigms , political contradictions, professional differences and conflicts are brought into play on equal terms.
A neutral platform is essential for a real exchange of knowledge to occur between diverse stakeholders. Our competence lies in being able to create the right conditions for such knowledge sharing across can occur. We do this, among other things, by being particularly careful with the details in the planning and in the preparation of the interactive processes. For example, illustrated by a structured and in-depth recruitment process, thorough preliminary analyzes of the field that is to be debated and not least a systematic coverage of our own preconceptions of the field to ensure that our own understandings and opinions about the field do not get in the way. for the process.
The DBT – on its way in research
The analytical part of this work also forms the basis for our research unit under construction in the Dansih Board of Technology. Here we are entering into greater European cooperation with leading research institutions in the EU. The interactive processes we work with in practice are researched and developed. We also research other involvement processes related to technology and science, as well as models for governance, such as in the new research and field of practice associated with Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).