Lise Bitsch
Senior projektleder med ekspertise indenfor ansvarlig forskning og innovation
Lises ekspertise er ansvarlig forskning og innovation (RRI). Hun arbejder med projekter hvor forskelle mødes med målet at udvikle bedre løsninger via samarbejde og involvering på tværs af ekspertiseområder og befolkningssammensætninger. Nøgleord er: Demokrati, deliberativ dialog, ansvarlighed, inddragelse, deltagelse og samskabelse
Lise Bitsch har en Ph.d. i socialvidenskabelige studier af videnskab og teknologi (STS) fra Twente Universitet i Holland (2013), under vejledning af Prof. Stefan Kuhlmann. Hun har arbejdet med inddragelse og ansvarlig forskning og innovation (RRI) hos Athena Instituttet under ledelse af Prof. Jacqueline Broerse i Amsterdam (FP7 RRI Tools).
Stakeholder Board-medlem af EnvironMENTAL
Præsentation om kvalitetskriterier for online inddragelse (på engelsk)
2009-2013 – Ph.d. kandidat, Afdeling for ”Science, Technology and Policy Studies (STePS)”, Twente Universitet, Holland
2006-2008 – MSc. Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society (PSTS), Twente Universitet, Holland
- Bitsch, L. (2015) Opening up the Human Brain Project to the Neuroscience Community, Policy Brief i Human Brain Project
- Ethical Assessment of Research and Innovation: A Comparative Analysis of Practices and Institutions in the EU and selected other countries, D1.1, SATORI, compiled by: Shelley-Egan, C. Brey, P., Rodrigues, R., Douglas, D., Gurzawska, A., Bitsch, L., Wright, D. and Wadhwa, K., 2015
- Bitsch, L., Smith-Lygum, A., and Ibsen-Jensen, J. (2015) Ethics assessment in different countries: the United States of America, annex 4.k to D1.1, SATORI
- Nielsen, R., Bitsch, L., and Nielsen M. On the Convergence of TA with Ethics in RRI: Challenges to Public Engagement, udgivet i et special issue fra PACITA 2015 konferencen
- Klüver, L., Bitsch, L. (2014) Living up to Privacy and informed consent, Policy Brief i Human Brain Project
- Metze T., Schuitmaker, T.J., Bitsch, L. and Broerse, J.E.W. (2017) Breaking barriers for a bio-based economy: Interactive reflection on monitoring water quality, Environmental Science & Policy. 74, pp. 1-7
- Bitsch, L. (2013) Spaces of Genomics: Exploring the Innovation Journey of Genomics in Research on Common Disease, Ph.d. afhandling, Ipskamp Drukkers Enschede
- Bitsch, L. Stemerding D. (2013) The innovation journey of genomics and asthma research. Sociology of Health and Illness, 35(8), pp. 1164-1180
- Bitsch, L. QUALITY CRITERIA FOR ONLINE STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT: engaging the public, præsentation ved AAU TANT Labs åbning, December 2015
- Bitsch, L, Nielsen, M., and Nielsen, R. “Three questions to responsible innovation”, præsentation ved PACITA konferencen 2015 “The next horizon of technology assessment”, 25.-27., februar 2015, Berlin
- Præsentation i workshoppen ‘Geo-engineering, path-dependency and lock-in’ University of Sussex, 25. oktober 2013, foredrag med titel: ‘From scientist’s de-facto assessment of expectations to a science-society dialogue’
- Inviteret til at præsentere min Ph.d. under INGENIO Ph.d. arrangement i Valencia 2013
- Panelmedlem under workshoppen “Promisomics: Promise Management in BIG Life Sciences” 22. marts 2013 i Utrecht, organiseret af Centre for Society and Life Sciences (CSG)
- Organisator og præsentation (med Kornelia Konrad and Sampsa Hyysalo), “On the road: journeys of innovations and prospects”, 4S/EASST, 17.- 20. oktober 2012, København
- Bitsch, L. “Negotiating Expectations on the Innovation Journey of Asthma and Genomics”, Præsentation ved den internationale ESRC konference, Genomics in Society: Facts, fictions and cultures, 23.-24. april, 2012, London
- Bitsch, L. “The Right fit: Interactional achievements in (future) constructions of Genomics and Healthcare”, Præsentation ved den internationale konference “Governing Futures: Imagining, Negotiating & Taming Emerging Technosciences”, 22.-24. september 2011, Wien
- L. Bitsch. “Tentative governance in the innovation journey of genomics and healthcare”, Præsentation ved den internationale konference, Tentative Governance of Emerging Science and Technology, 28.-29. oktober 2010, Enschede, Holland